What's March Madness without a March Hare? This bunny comes courtesy of Boojum. Thanks again! This rabbit is a new character who was started at FC 2008. He is roughly based on a costume that Boojum wore at the show, which included a beautiful robe and a rabbit morph mask which is one of the finest I've ever seen. The bunny head mon was my own idea.
Sue, any interest in creating a"bunnyman" as a cast card? Let me explain... last year, I think it was at Origins or Gencon, I ran an Adventure I called "introducing Mr. Harvey" in which the party meet a "bunnyman" named Harvey. This "person" was a created character, not warp or badly shifted. The necro involved (still loose by the way) was using Frankensteinian genetic experiments and the bunnyman is an experiment that lived. He may reappear at some time...
Anyway I like the art and extend thanks to Boojum for inspiring it. I am interested in seeing the finished work if you are inking it in...
Great minds think alike! This is one of a series of 'bunnyman' characters I have done for Boojum. An earlier one, featuring a female character, was commissioned by Boojum for his friend, Lynn, and was used as a character in their Penglai campaign. Lynn also wrote up a description of the campaign and it is great. You can find a link to it on the DS page. You can also order this bunny character on the Penglai page and the new cards page.
Boojum has commissioned a new male bunny man character. Look for a picture of this character here soon......
You have to watch the Penglai section of DragonStorm because the Ren Tau cards never ended up in the new cards section.
Susan is currently working on a male Ren Tau (bunnyman) card and Greater Eastern Dragon cards for a future release. :D
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