Spring has sprung, the fever has broken and life is fine. I have a number of pieces I've been working on this week. I'll put up two of them now and the rest next week; I am going to take a week off, so if I am slow on email you know why. I've already got my eyes on some bushes near the porch. They need a crewcut in the worst way....
The first piece here is a piece I did for a friend, Gary Bishop, who has recently moved out west and was looking for an inspirational piece as he coped with changes in his life. He plans to have it used as a reference for a tattoo. Though it's simple, I thought it a strong piece, especially color wise.
I like this, Sue. The blurred quality to the feathers makes me think of flames dancing on their tips. This piece is very Phoenix-ish, if you'll allow me the use as an adjective. It should make an awesome tattoo.
Thanks ds! This is likely to appear as a phoenix card some time this summer, probably at StormCon. I agree that the soft edges on those feathers give an illusion of flickering tongues of fire.
Hmm. You know, if it's not an adjective now, perhaps I could write a post for Wikipedia and make it one. ^^
Hi Susan,
Is this for Gary Bishop from Motor City Con? If so, could you please pass along my e-mail address jason @ inkmachine.com for me please? I havent talked to Gary in years and have heard that he's going though a tough time. I'd like to contact him somehow. Thanks so much!
Jason Moore
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