Thursday, December 25, 2008
Christmas Pic
Merry Christmas everyone! Here is a follow up on a pencil sketch that I posted several months ago. It's a piece commissioned by Devlin for Beth. The image has been sent to the printer and I plan to ship it asap; in the meantime I hope Beth and everyone else will enjoy seeing it here. In addition, we still plan to use it as a DS card and we will be reviewing the ideas generously posted by readers of this blog when the pencil sketch for this piece first appeared. Keep an eye on this blog for updates about it.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Thursday Picture post part 2
It's Thursday! A week after the pencil sketch of this piece appeared here, I have finished art to show off. This one was very interesting to do. I had fun coming up will all the different binding designs on the books. I find I'm envious of a character I've drawn; I would like to have a library like his! Thank you CS, who commissioned this image.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Thursday picture post
Monday, December 8, 2008
Monday Morning Musings
Hi people. I've got a lot to do this week and I want to get started, so this morning's post with be words only. I'll add an image based post later this week when I have a little more time. The Flint Holiday Craft fair was quite nice. A good number of folks showed up, braving a steady snow fall to do so. I made sales, traded tips and made friends. Thanks to everyone who helped me have a successful show, especially my neighbor Kat and my new friend Ari. I am considering reserving a table for the Spring Etsy show in Flint; keep an eye on this space for updates.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Comic Mod
Hi! Here's a WIP from this week. Earlier this year I posted a pencils from a project commissioned by DS, who has been having artists do modified versions of panels from a vintage comic. It was interesting then and it is interesting now; here's part of a pencil sketch from my latest piece for him. I've done this panel before but this time I've done them full body and different species.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Flint Holiday Craft Show
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Iphone Practice Pieces
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
My first Iphone Commission
Anyone who has seen me in the last few months may have noticed me fiddling with my new iphone. I bought it for business purposes and it has handled those tasks quite nicely. In the last month I've learned how to draw on my phone, using a painting app and a Pogo stylus. With practice, I became confident enough to take on an iphone color commission. Here it is. Many thanks to Bitwulf, who commissioned this at Midwest Furfest; he and his friends also offered technical advice on transferring the completed image between devices. For now, I send commissions like this one as email attachments. Eventually, I hope to send them directly from my phone to the patron's phone.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Midwest Fur Fest
Hey folks. I'm resting up from Midwest Furfest and I wanted to give you a report. A had a terrific show and a lot of fun. I want to thank everyone who helped to make this happen, including special thanks for Tonya, Alkali and Steele. I had a terrific commission weekend: Here's an example of one of the pieces I finished. it was commissioned by Vesh as an anniversary gift for himself and his wife. Keep an eye on this spot to see the color version which I plan to finish early next year.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Card Art Project
I"ve been selling proofs with original art on them for some time. Usually I do one image on a proof at a time. In this case, following the lead of artists like Ed Beard--who does wonderful, detailed sketches on the backs of multiple cards--I have tried my hand at a card art painting. The painting below was done in acrylic inks on the back of seven Magic card proofs. I was pleased with the level of detail I achieved, especially given that I was painting on thin card stock. Thanks to MW, who commissioned this piece.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Howl of Rage Final
Hello people. Here's another piece finished; A few posts ago I featured the digital color sketch of this image. I thought that I would show everyone how it turned out. If you want a closer look come see me at Midwest Fur Fest next weekend; I will have the original painting there and I will be selling prints of it.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Custom Card Art Part Two
Good Morning! I'm a little late posting this but here is the promised color version of AT's custom card commission. This piece came out well and there's a lot I like about it--pose, color, setting, characters. I especially enjoyed coming up with this tigrean's expression; thanks to AT's feedback, I think her personality really shows through.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Preview of Custom Card Art
Friday, October 17, 2008
Travels of Kit
Good morning folks. Have a look a a pic from a project I've been planning for a couple of years. Travels of Kit is an illustrated story sponsored by Jim Hardesty. The first four images are up now and more will be appearing soon. To have a look, click here. Enjoy!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
2009 Cat Calendar
Hi folks! Sorry for the long time between posts. I travelled north last week to visit my sister. It was a lovely trip and I enjoyed seeing her and my nephews. However, I didn't blog while I was up there and that interrupted the good blogging habits I had been practicing before I left. In any case, I'm back and should be posting regularly--at least until the next time I take a vacation.
My news today is that I've got a new cat calendar for sale on LuLu. Those of you who follow my cat art will like it. The images include some of my best selling pictures. Click here if you'd like to have a look.
My news today is that I've got a new cat calendar for sale on LuLu. Those of you who follow my cat art will like it. The images include some of my best selling pictures. Click here if you'd like to have a look.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
I love my Wacom Tablet
Morning all. I'm posting a piece this morning to demonstrate a technique that I've been trying to master for some time. I've created a piece entirely with digital media. I've been able to do this for some times, but the results looked either crude or artificial. What I've been after is balance: A blending of what my hand and brain do naturally with the right hardware and software. I didn't know precisely what I was after; however, I figured that I would know it when I saw it since this is the way that I recognize most of my new techniques.
The piece below was drawn on my Intuos3 Graphic tablet, using Painter. I usually pencil a piece on paper then scan it when I do a digital painting. This time the sketch was done on my computer. As much as I like it, I consider this just an early sign of what I'm going to be able to do using this technique. Keep watching my blog for more pieces of this kind.

The piece below was drawn on my Intuos3 Graphic tablet, using Painter. I usually pencil a piece on paper then scan it when I do a digital painting. This time the sketch was done on my computer. As much as I like it, I consider this just an early sign of what I'm going to be able to do using this technique. Keep watching my blog for more pieces of this kind.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
WIP New Howling Rage Art Part 2
As promised, here is my second post showing progress on my commission for Dave H. In step two I scan then digitally color my pencil sketch. For this piece I also refined the sketch quite a bit, adding detail and cleaning up lines. As striking as the pencils are, adding color--especially those flames--make quite a difference.
Stage three is an acrylic painting which is currently sitting on my easel. If you want to see it in person, come to Pentacon in Fort Wayne which will take place November 7th to 9th, where I'll be delivering the painting to Dave. For those of you who can't make it to Pentacon, I'll post a scan of the painting here after the show.
Stage three is an acrylic painting which is currently sitting on my easel. If you want to see it in person, come to Pentacon in Fort Wayne which will take place November 7th to 9th, where I'll be delivering the painting to Dave. For those of you who can't make it to Pentacon, I'll post a scan of the painting here after the show.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Etsy @ the Market
Good Morning! I want to let everyone know about a new show I will be attending in Ann Arbor Michigan on Sunday October 5th. It's called Etsy@the Market; it will be an out door show at the Kerrytown Farmer's market. For a map of the place, please click on the link below. If you are in the area, come check it out!
View Larger Map
View Larger Map
Thursday, September 25, 2008
WIP New Howling Rage Art
Here's a piece I'm working on for Dave H. It's a commission of his character in an 'excitable' mood. When it's done, Dave will get the original painting and I will use the image to replace the art for Howl of Rage--which, though serviceable, is an early example of my digitally painted work. The final for this piece will provide a much more exciting image. To see just how exciting, check back next week!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Web Comic
Some of my first published art appeared in a comic--a series called Tales From the Anniverse for those who are interested in a blast from the past. I learned my craft drawing comic pages. I have not done much in the way of graphic storytelling for quite a while, despite the fact that this is one of my favorite mediums. This is about to change. Click Here to go to Accommodations, a web comic based on the Dragon Storm universe. Although I have published this story before on the DS site, the current posting is a sign of things to come. I want add regular web comics to my site offerings and I have used this story as a test. Please have a look and let me know what you think. Your comments will have a large influence on what I do with comics in the future.
Friday, September 19, 2008
New and Improved Web Page
Mark has just finished updating my web page and it looks great. Click on the link above to check it out. If there's something more you'd like to see on my page, please let me know. I am planning lots of new material in the future, so keep checking back for updates.
What DS Card is This?
Here's a piece I need help with, if DS players can lend a hand. This is a sketch for Devin and Beth, who commissioned it as a digital color piece. All of the fantasy creatures they wanted in this piece are Dragon Storm races, so, of course, I would like to use it as card art. Here's the question: What card should it be? I am very happy with this piece and I would like to use it on a cool card. The piece is not due to be colored for a couple of months so there is plenty of time to make suggestions. Let me know what you think.

Thursday, September 11, 2008
Tree Rose Kittens
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Flint Farmer's Market
This weekend through the end of September I will have an outdoor table at the Flint Farmer's Market. If you live near Flint, or if you are going to be near town during a Sunday in September, drop in and see me. For a map, click on the link below.
Flint Farmer's Market
Flint Farmer's Market
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Magic Lesson Sketch
Here's step two in my painting process: The first complete sketch. I'm concentrating on shape and design here. Color, shading and background won't concern me much until later stages. In fact, I haven't yet decided if I am going to add much of a background.
If you enjoy Magic Lesson and are interested in purchasing a print of the final piece, drop me an email at
If you enjoy Magic Lesson and are interested in purchasing a print of the final piece, drop me an email at
Magic Lesson Rough
If you have wondered what one of my paintings looks like before it becomes a painting, you're in luck. I'm going to display the first and second drafts of my new whimsical cat and dragon painting, Magic Lesson. I'm planning this as an acrylic painting, probably fairly small; I haven't decided on its final dimensions. At this point I only need to know that it's going to be sized to work as a 5"x7" and 8"x10" print and that it's going to be landscape style (longer than it is tall). With this in mind, I created this rough.
Note: I won't be including my the artist's thumb or the scrawled mutterings as part of the final work.
Note: I won't be including my the artist's thumb or the scrawled mutterings as part of the final work.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Cat Nap
Monday, August 25, 2008
Take That Warp Chicken!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Gencon Art Show Location
Hey folks! I am here in Indy on Wednesday night and I have an update. The art show has a new location and a new layout and, incidentally, a different location for my booth. I have posted maps below to help you find my new place. I am not sure of the number--it was blurry on the page--but I think the pics give a good idea of where to find me.

Thursday, August 7, 2008
Male Phoenix Character
Here's a gent I illustrated for the upcoming Dragon Storm phoenix character release. He provides a good example of my evolving digital art style. This piece has fine color, composition and a cute guy; it's got everything I like. I find this style less painterly and more anime, which is just the opposite of the direction that I'm going on my whimsical cat pieces. If it seems a little strange that I am headed for a more realistic look for my cute kittens and a more anime look for my fantasy elves, let me explain that I love experimenting with styles. I also enjoy feedback from you folks on what you think of the results. If you have a style preference I'd love to hear it.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Dress up Two
Last year I did a piece called Dress Up, showing a kitten being adorned by fairies who made up in enthusiasm what they lacked in fashion sense. This year I've followed up on that theme with Dress Up 2. This time the 'dresser' is a young dragon. I played with new digital painting techniques to come up with this one and I like the results. As usual, it's character interaction that makes whimiscal images like this one work. Kitty is a bit uncertain about her new look, while her young draconic friend thinks these decorations make her look maaavalhas!
I introduced Dress Up Two at San Diego Comic con, where it did very well. I will have it at both Storm Con and Gencon. In late August I plan to add this image to my Etsy and Ebay stores.
I introduced Dress Up Two at San Diego Comic con, where it did very well. I will have it at both Storm Con and Gencon. In late August I plan to add this image to my Etsy and Ebay stores.
San Diego Photos
Hi folks. I'm home from San Diego comic con which was a terrific show, both for business and pleasure. I shared a booth with my friends Diana Stein and April Lee who were great company. Thank you to all the returning customers and new buyers who helped make the show a success for me. I got in a little bit of tourist time in San Diego this year and my new phone camera allowed me to document both my trolley tour and my show time really nicely. Here are some Flckr photos I took this year.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
San Deigo Location Map
Morning all. Next weekend I will be attending San Diego Comic Con, sharing a table with Diana Stein and April Lee. Anyone who has attended SDCC knows how this huge dealer's room is amazing and a bit overwhelming; it can be hard to find your way around amid crowds and impressive displays. In addition, we have moved location from where we were last year. With this in mind I am posting three maps of the dealer's room with zoom in views at each stage. Our booth number, as posted on the site, is 4821. If there are any changes to this location I will have Mark post a correction on Wednesday.

Thursday, July 17, 2008
Jake's Painting
Jake takes a break
And now for something completely different.....Jake W commissioned a lovely painting and picked it up at Anthrocon. He took it home, had it famed, and then sent me this great pic a happy patron enjoying his art. Thanks Jake! Also, Jake has sent me some amazing wolf photos he took to use as reference for artwork. If you like the way I render wolf fur in upcoming paintings, you may have Jake to thank!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Seth's Comic Con Commission
This is another piece that I completed for Novi Comicon. Thanks Seth! I displayed it behind my table and I received many compliments on it. I'm especially happy with the number of characters that are in here--and the fact that all of them can be seen at a glance (not always easy to to on illustration with a lot of characters).
Monday, June 23, 2008
Art from A Chance Meeting
Good Morning! Nice to blog to you, nice to be here, Wonderful to drink my morning coffee. The weather in my neck of the woods has been gorgeous for the last few days. The new blogging software Mark found has proven extremely useful. It appears that I'm going to be doing a lot more blogging. If I can keep up this piece I may even add another blog. ^^
Ah, my head is in the clouds again. Time to come back to earth and finish this blog listing.
Here's a piece of art that I did for the episode of Mark's Mysteries called 'A Chance Meeting.' The subject matter is unusual for me and that's what made it fun. I may look for more excuses to draw people with wrinkles, simply because they are so interesting to do.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Origins and Anthrocon Scheudle
Hi people. I wanted remind all that I will be at Origins this year but I will only be there on Thursday. If you're interested in chatting or having a DS or Magic card signed--or, for that matter, purchasing a print and having it signed--please come see me on the first day of the show. I can accept commissions on Thursday but I won't be able to finish anything at the show; if you want a commission come see me and we can make arrangements for for me to ship it to you after the show.
After Thursday I will be at Anthrocon. Mark will be driving me to Pittsburg, then coming back; Columbus and Pittsburgh are relatively close to each other so he won't be gone long.
After Thursday I will be at Anthrocon. Mark will be driving me to Pittsburg, then coming back; Columbus and Pittsburgh are relatively close to each other so he won't be gone long.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
More Art
Etsy Issues
Etsy is having some problems. It appears that these are minor problems that have to do with counters (the numbers that track how many hits a particular image receives). Counters are resetting at random so images may show numbers that do not reflect how popular they are; other than that, the site seems to be working correctly. If anyone has other issues with Etsy please let me know. The company says they are trying to correct this and will have it fixed as soon as they can. I have seen sites have difficulties like this before and they generally come out just fine. It's likely caused by a small bug hidden deep in an obscure line of code.
Speaking of online selling, I plan to add more sell sites this fall. Right now I am selling on Etsy and Ebay, both good sites. I want to sell through more sites to gain a wider audience. Adding a site involves a fair amount of effort; we need to study a site, learn its system, post our images, write descriptions, ect, ect, ect. Did I say we? I should say he; Mark does the lion's share of all this work and does it well.
With this in mind, I'd like to ask a favor; if anyone knows of good sell sites, please let me know. I am aware of Craigs List, Yessy and Piccasso Net, but I know there are a lot more out there. I'm particularly interested in sites that are easy to use, artist friendly and with good reputations. I'd welcome any recommendations.
Speaking of online selling, I plan to add more sell sites this fall. Right now I am selling on Etsy and Ebay, both good sites. I want to sell through more sites to gain a wider audience. Adding a site involves a fair amount of effort; we need to study a site, learn its system, post our images, write descriptions, ect, ect, ect. Did I say we? I should say he; Mark does the lion's share of all this work and does it well.
With this in mind, I'd like to ask a favor; if anyone knows of good sell sites, please let me know. I am aware of Craigs List, Yessy and Piccasso Net, but I know there are a lot more out there. I'm particularly interested in sites that are easy to use, artist friendly and with good reputations. I'd welcome any recommendations.
Monday, June 16, 2008
She's Back.....
I checked the date of my last post and all I can say is oh my! It has been way too long since I've put something up here. Sorry about that folks. I've been busy with shows but I am always busy with something so that won't serve as an excuse. Mark has introduced me to a new software program that I hope will help me improve my posting frequency. Stay tuned to this channel to see if it works....
This post my image is a commission from Doug Hildebrant of his character Terri and his friend's character K. They are calming down after a battle---Terri is a werewolf who takes some soothing to settle down after a fight. I like the mood of this piece. It's one of a series that Doug and his friends commissioned around the time of Novi Comic Con. Watch this space to see more of these pieces--hopefully soon!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Greater Eastern Dragon

Hi folks. There were a lot of digital art commissions on my schedule this week and I just finished a batch of them yesterday. Here's one from this group--a greater eastern dragon done for Boojum. If you remember from my blog posts a few months ago, I did an eastern dragon for Boojum earlier. He commissioned me to do this follow up piece, which I like quite a bit. The two together look very cool--you can see the progression. For those of you who are DS players, this form and the male Penglai character should be available on the DS web page in the next week or so.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Web Site News
Hi folks. I've got two pieces of good news about my web site. First, Mark has completely rebuilt it and it looks great. Check it out by clicking on the link below.
Art by Susan Van Camp
Next, I've switched to Etsy as my method of online shopping. If you're not familiar with Etsy, it's a terrific new site that includes all sorts of wonderful art. You can get to my etsy site by clicking on my link below.
Sue's Etsy Link
Art by Susan Van Camp
Next, I've switched to Etsy as my method of online shopping. If you're not familiar with Etsy, it's a terrific new site that includes all sorts of wonderful art. You can get to my etsy site by clicking on my link below.
Sue's Etsy Link
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Project for David

Hi people. This week I've got a pencil sketch I'm working on for David S., showing piece based on a 1960's era comic. David has commissioned me to do a number of pieces like this and they are a great deal of fun. In the past, he has had me do whole pages, replacing human figures with furries. This time he has had me take some panels that showed only the faces and upper bodies of figures and create completed, full figure images. It's a very cool challenge and I've enjoyed doing this one quite a bit. Thanks David!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Mysterious Minion Take Two

As much as I enjoyed creating the original Mysterious Minion design, I decided I could do better. Have a look at a truly shady character. This revision was originally intended to take a three color piece of art and turn it into a two color piece, which is more suitable for a simple t-shirt design. Once I started, I found more to like about this revision than it's simpler color scheme. Dropping grays and depending on blacks to carry the mood produced a sharper, more menacing image. Or, in less artsy jargon, he looks cooler in this version.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
First of Spring Part Two

Here's something completely different--a design I created for a Mark's Mysteries t-shirt. If you are not listening to the Mark Mysteries podcast, go directly to the website, follow the links to Mark's Mysteries and give it a listen. Mark of Mark's Mysteries is my husband, Mark Ellis Harmon, and his stories reflect his personality: Weird, Wonderful and not to be missed.
First of Spring

Spring has sprung, the fever has broken and life is fine. I have a number of pieces I've been working on this week. I'll put up two of them now and the rest next week; I am going to take a week off, so if I am slow on email you know why. I've already got my eyes on some bushes near the porch. They need a crewcut in the worst way....
The first piece here is a piece I did for a friend, Gary Bishop, who has recently moved out west and was looking for an inspirational piece as he coped with changes in his life. He plans to have it used as a reference for a tattoo. Though it's simple, I thought it a strong piece, especially color wise.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
March Madness--Jason it's for You!

And finally, I'm concluding this week's March Madness with a scan of Jason's 12" x 16" pencil sketch of Kor's Wedding. The detail on this one was amazing. I'm posting this one fairly large so that it's possible to see everything that is going on. Check out the candle holder on the alter. That is a carving of Kor in gargoyle form! Thanks again for this commission Jason. I will be shipping it to you soon.
More March Madness

As promised, here's another dose of March Madness. Have a look of Amandin, a second in the series of Character Sketches done for Michael Schneider. I love Amandin's attitude; her confidence is infectious! The costume was fun to design too; one of my favorite parts of creating a character portrait is coming up with the clothing. In this case, Michael gave me excellent notes to work from.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
March Madness Part Three: But Wait there's more!

I had to add this sketch of a theif that was part of a project commissioned by Michael Schneider. It included many different characters and personalities; there were so many that it was had to pick a favorite but this guy is definitely a top contender for me. With looks like this, he's likely to be stealing lots of hearts.
March Madness will continue later this week with more finished commissions making an appearance. That means your piece, Jason!
March Madness Part Two--A March Hare!

What's March Madness without a March Hare? This bunny comes courtesy of Boojum. Thanks again! This rabbit is a new character who was started at FC 2008. He is roughly based on a costume that Boojum wore at the show, which included a beautiful robe and a rabbit morph mask which is one of the finest I've ever seen. The bunny head mon was my own idea.
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