Hi Folks. I'm back from Further Confusion, rested up and happy. For anyone who is flying to the West Coast, let me make an unpaid endorsement of South West Airlines. It took a bit of a drive to get to an airport they served, but even with the additional cost of gas their ticket price and excellent service was a bargain.
FC was great, as usual. It was a terrific show with great energy. The fursuit parade was the largest one yet--and I have seen some pretty big ones lately. Thanks again to all of you folks who stopped by to chat, to buy art and to commission original pieces. If all goes as planned I will be posting at least one of these pieces later. Special thanks to Boojum, Lynn, Trey, Barbara, David, Flare and all the folks who did such a great job promoting DS at FC. I very much enjoyed playing in the DS game Boojum ran on Thursday night. That spiteful Valarian child has something to feel spiteful about now--or at least his ghost does.......
For this week, I'm posting a piece commissioned by David Green. He picked it up at the show, after allowing me do prominently display it all weekend at FC. It drew a lot of attentions and positive comments, as well as print orders. It appears to me that folks like scalies...^^ If you'd like a print of this piece, called Cobra's Blessing, please drop me an email.
Glad you had a good time out there. I only wish it were closer. I'd like to game with the West Coasters as well. They sound like a fun bunch.
See you in 3 weeks at BashCon!
My poor little spitefull Valerian.. he'd been doing so well! But then everyone ran in and *SQUISH!*
*giggle* Good planning on your guys part. If the Necromancer or the Spitefull Valerian had gotten going you would have been in for more of a fight. Also, if you'd waited long enough for those apprentices to get back and warn them...
It was great having you out here! I'm glad you enjoyed the game.
Boojum the brown bunny
Will you be doing more scalies? Furries are interesting but scalies are too.
DS, I wish it were closer too. The West Coasters are a lot of fun, and they always are very kind to me when I am out there--even on Sunday night when my brain turns off. (Thanks again, Trey). I am hoping that they can make it to a midwest convention sometime; it would be a blast.
I'm looking forward to seeing you at Bashcon, as well!
Boojumbunn, your spiteful Valerian tasted just like chicken. Yummm. ^^
As I mentioned above, you folks were very kind (as usual). It was fun to play Fur Ball again, unsanitary scrying methods and all. For more on this game, I suggest folks check out the West Coast DS blog, which is linked to the dragonstorm.com front page.
Pixiejorge, based on the reaction to this piece--many people have commented on it, including you--I think I will be doing more art of this type. When in college I was lucky enough to handle a snake and I have liked illustrating these animals ever since. They are beautiful and their scale patterns are fascinating. Before now I thought that few people shared my opinion but the response to this peice is likely to change my mind.
Now that I think of it, I haven't done a DS card illustration of a quilla snake....
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