Good evening, everyone. Tonight I'm trying something new. Those of you who have corresponded with me via email are likely aware that I can be quite slow getting back to you. I regret this but I haven't been able to find a way to improve my response speed without missing art deadlines. This post is an attempt to find a new way to respond to a number of email messages at one go. If it works it will save me a lot of time and allow me to respond more quickly. Here it goes.
1. D Bachelder
See the pic above for a revision of her expression. What do you think?
2. Marshakat
I'll have your revised pencils posted by next Friday and I'll email you a link as soon as it is done. Would you mind if I posted your sketch on my blog?
3. Kelley Jones
We're having our back and forth, warm and cold weather in Michigan. I am looking forward to spring. Lynn's emails are getting through; I'm just slow. With luck, this method will allow me to get back to folks more quickly. I will definitely be at Marcon and would be delighted to see you there. Babies are fun to draw. Also, there will be lots of Dragon Storm games at Marcon, so it's a great show to attend if you want to play.
4. Lynn Allen
It's cool to hear that you found the beads. Thank Amber Fox for me. Will you be at Marcon with Kelly? If so we can meet there. I've got a crazy schedule for weeks ahead, so meeting at a show will work best. Imshar and Blue will have many Dragon Storm games to choose from if they can make it to Marcon. If that show doesn't work for you, Furry Connection North, in Novi, is coming up at the end of April and we could meet there.
5. Justin J
I'll post your piece with color modifications this week. Thanks for the jpeg with notes--it's complete and will help a lot.
6. Brady
Your piece is on my schedule for this week. I'm looking forward to starting it.
7. Kithrak
Thanks for the excellent scan of the piece I did for you at FC. The address for my page is
8. Alkali
Email! Where's my email? Stop laughing. Just because I'm slow at replying to emails doesn't prevent me from nagging you when you're tardy. ^^
9. Pete H
Visit this link.
TomTom and M$
If I start blogging about M$ I will never stop. This article says it all.
10. Pete H (again)
Purchasing and integrating studio tech is and interesting challenge, when it is not a pain in the back of your lap. Luckily for me I have a tech wise husband who handles this task for me. Unluckily for you, this means that my personal knowledge of scanners is fairly limited. For everyday scanning--the kind I do myself--I use and 8.5"x11" $100 Cannon scanner. My scanning computer is a MacBook Pro and my scanning software is VueScan. This combination works fine for pencils and back and white images.
That's it. Whether I used this to answer your email or if you are a regular visitor checking my blog, I would be interested in hearing what you think about using my blog to catch up on emails.
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